
The invitingly subtle bouquet is characterized by elegant floral notes of elderflower and mountain herbs, a hint of gooseberries and an alpine freshness.


With fruity fullness, elegant structure, juicy minerality, distinctive harmony and complex potential, this single vineyard Sauvignon delights.

Growing Conditions

Proudly, the Renaissance castle built by the Habsburg dynasty in 1620 rides the waves of the
surrounding vineyards. At about 20 hectares, the Vigna “Castel Ringberg” is Elena Walch’s
– and most likely also Alto Adige’s – largest single vineyard. The moderately steep vineyards
of moraine, mostly chalky but also loamy and sandy soils allow optimal cultivation for
the production of unique, varietal terroir wines. Due to the mild climate influenced by the
nearby lake and the ideal altitude of about 330 m, year after year, grapes of the best quality
are delivered to the cellar in Tramin, where the wines are pressed and aged.




Static clarification through must refrigeration. A part ferments under a controlled temperature of 18°C with extended yeast contact. The rest (15%) ferments in barrique. Assemblage shortly before bottling, afterwards some maturation in the bottle.


15% of the must ferments in barrique


Elegant straw yellow with light green accents

Food Pairing

To combine with seafood, fish, pasta dishes and vegetable dishes